Halloween Fire Safety Tips
10/9/2021 (Permalink)

Given that orange is our logo color, it's no surprise that we like Halloween! Apart from one of our favorite colors getting some much-deserved attention, Halloween is a fun time of year. Festive decorations, children dressed in costumes, excitedly going from house-to-house to trick-or-treat - what could be better than that!
To help our friends and neighbors stay safe, SERVPRO of Eau Claire wants to share a few fire safety tips for your Halloween season:
1) Use battery-operated candles or glow sticks in your pumpkins and other decor items
2) Avoid costumes with long, trailing fabric
3) Teach the kiddos to stay away from open flames and be careful if they see real candles in jack-o-lanterns
4) Keep exits clear of decorations
5) Check all smoke detectors
6) Hay bales, dried flowers, cornstalks and crepe paper can easily catch fire; keep decorations away from open flames (such as bonfire rings), and other heat sources like light bulbs and heaters
Halloween is scary enough without fire hazards and these few, easy precautions can help keep your home and family safe.